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Kill the Noise

Finding Meaning Above the Madness


By Ryan Ries

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It doesn't matter who you are or what you've done—God wants a relationship with you.
Social media, television, video games, drugs, pornography – there is so much noise distracting us from what is important in life that it is nearly impossible to hear God’s truth that He will take you as you are. When we finally kill the noise of the world, we’ll discover in the silence a loving Savior who is waiting to forgive us and offer us a purpose for our lives.
Ryan Ries is living proof of this truth. Growing up in Los Angeles as the son of a mega-church pastor but surrounded by the music, skate, and snowboard industries, Ryan felt a tug-of-war between the church and the world. It was in the skate and music culture that he found his passion and his identity. As a result, he walked away from God and dove head first into the world, losing his way in alcohol, drugs, and sex, which led to anxiety, brokenness, and emptiness.

Kill the Noise tells Ryan’s story about finding God in the messiness of life, and lets you know how you too can find peace, joy, and purpose in Jesus Christ. This book will be a tool to help you kill the noise of the world so you can hear God’s voice telling you that He loves you and that you belong to Him.

  • "This uplifting message of redemption will resonate particularly with millennial Christians."
    Publishers Weekly
  • “My friend Ryan Ries has always been very transparent about how his obsession with hard-core drug use and women permeated his former life to levels that would shock even the most seasoned partiers. But the biggest shocker is how God has completely redirected Ryan’s passion from party animal to displaying the real and tangible love of Christ to thousands of young people with the Whosoevers’ Kill the Noise tour!
    “Kill the Noise isn’t just another book. Kill the Noise is a life-igniting tool that carries authentic power to guide the most wounded and defeated souls straight into this mystery of Christ within. The last thing the world needs right now is another watered-down religious book! We need raw. We need real. We need authentic. We need to KILL THE NOISE.”
    Brian “Head” Welch, co-founder of the Grammy Award–winning band Korn, New York Times bestselling author of Save Me From Myself, Stronger, and With My Eyes Wide Open, and co-star of the Showtime movie Loud Krazy Love
  • “I’ve known Ryan for more than eleven years and will never forget the day I met him with my fiancé (at the time) Oz Fox. With tears in his eyes, he shared his incredible story of how God took his wild, rebellious heart and transformed it into a burning flame of love for God and His people.
    “Raw, refreshing, and beautifully, brutally honest. That’s the only way I can describe Ryan’s radical story of transformation in Kill the Noise. This book will captivate you, inspire you, and motivate you to live and learn more about the amazing grace of God and the power of surrender. Like fresh wind from heaven, Ryan’s journey is masterfully and honestly written, full of twists and turns into the dark world of addiction and rock and roll. But, ultimately, it finds its way into the bright world of redemption and true liberty of the soul.
    “Ryan is the real deal. He went above and beyond on this book…and I just could not put this down…neither will you!”
    Annie Lobert, wife of Oz Fox (Stryper), founder and CEO of Hookers For Jesus and Annie’s Pink Chair
  • “Like John the Baptist before him, Ryan’s book is like a voice shouting in the wilderness, ‘Clearing the way for the LORD’s coming!’ Refreshingly raw and vulnerable, this former ‘cocaine pirate’ has become a prophetic voice for an entire generation the world over!”
    Phil Evans, pastor of Hawkesbury Valley Baptist Church, Australia
  • “Ryan Ries, though raised by loving parents in a pastor’s home, was no choirboy. His rebellion was fueled by the streets and party scene of Los Angeles, California. I’ve known him as someone with a passion for the lost, and now I know why—he himself was lost. In Kill the Noise, Ryan is brutally honest about his life experiences, temptations, bad choices (and good), and how he once avoided—even hated—God. His voice is fresh as he describes the antiestablishment Jesus of the New Testament and how he came to surrender to His control. What’s more, Ryan shares the secrets he’s discovered along the way in his own faith journey and how he’s learned to turn both victory and calamity into a testimony. This is an honest account of a radically transformed life.”
    Skip Heitzig, pastor of Calvary Church, Albuquerque, New Mexico, and bestselling author of The Bible from 30,000 Feet
  • “It has been an honor and a privilege to know Ryan, and to walk with him side by side on his journey of faith. I met Ryan when he was lost and at his lowest point of life, and I am now watching him become what I truly believe to be a great evangelist of our time. His love for Jesus is convicting, and his childlike faith is contagious. His new book, Kill the Noise, is the most honest, sincere, and relatable book I’ve read in a while, and is guaranteed to capture the heart of anyone who reads it.”
    Sonny Sandoval, lead singer of the multiplatinum band P.O.D.
  • “I have known and loved Ryan since a baby. He had dark days, or should I say dark years, as I did. When his life changed, thousands of lives also ended up changing because of his boldness to tell others about Christ. He wants to talk with you through much love and experience and grief. After thirty-plus years sharing my gift of evangelism with tens of thousands in stadiums, bull rings, and sports arenas, only one name have I heard recently in Mexico that is stirring leaders in a positive way, giving Mexico hope. That name belongs to someone who is like a son to me. That name is Ryan Ries!”
    Dr. Mike MacIntosh, pastor, evangelist, and police and fire chaplain
  • “What makes Ryan’s testimony powerful is that it’s relatable. He grew up trying to find himself in the things the world had to offer, struggling with the same vices as myself and everyone else who grows up skateboarding, pushing the boundaries of the law, and listening to counterculture music. He’s tasted and seen it all, and it left him empty and broken. But Jesus reached into his life and met him where he was at, radically transforming his life from the inside out. However, in all of this transformation, Ryan still remains down to earth, engaging with the cultures he was saved in, remembering what it’s like to be searching for meaning, broken, and in need of a Savior. That’s what makes a book like this powerful. You will hear the truth about Jesus from someone who has walked in your shoes.”
    Steven Bancarz, YouTuber and speaker, and co-author of The Second Coming of the New Age
  • “Reading through the first few pages of Ryan’s book reminded me of the real pull and allure of this world. It’s become so common now that pulpits around the country don’t even warn against the evils of drugs, carnality, and the associated sins of a life in rebellion toward God. Yet, like anyone connected to God, there is a turning point. Tears welled up in my eyes as I thought of how precious the scene was as Ryan asked God to forgive him, in one of his worst moments! God did and filled that young man with His Holy Spirit. Anyone who has spent any time with Ryan knows the power of God’s Spirit is evident in his life! He inspires me by his obedience and commitment! Ryan speaks of a living God, not dead religion. Read to the end. You will be stirred toward more love and good works!”
    Ed Taylor, pastor of Calvary Church, Aurora, Colorado
  • “Ryan Ries is a voice that needs to be heard today, because he understands all too well what it means to ‘kill the noise’ in his life. He is speaking from a life that once had an ear for the noise of the world, until Jesus brought him to the end of himself and caused the noise of this world to cease. This opened up a whole new world to him and gave him an ear to hear God’s voice. This book is a must-read for young and old alike.”
    Tony Clark, pastor of Calvary Chapel, Newport News
  • “Spending ten years of my life in a rock band on tour, I thought I knew what it meant to be a rock star. After reading Ryan Ries’s book Kill the Noise, I quickly found that I was mistaken. Ryan communicates in modern terminology how Jesus Christ was the first and truest rock star to ever live.
    “This book is for the broken. This book is for the marathon runners chasing after a greater high over and over again until it kills them. But most important, this book is for those who hear the words ‘church,’ ‘God,’ ‘Jesus,’ or ‘Christianity’ and get a bad taste in their mouths.
    “We all hate posers. Kill the Noise clearly shows that Ryan is not a poser, and, most important, that Jesus was not either. You think you know Christianity? You think you know Jesus? You think you know transformation? Wait until you read this book and allow God to transform you through my friend Ryan Ries’s wild story.”
    Austin Carlile, former lead singer of Of Mice & Men
  • “This is an amazing book! Ryan is extremely connected to what is happening in the world today. This book challenges you to have a relationship with God not based on a list of requirements but on a fresh, real, raw, and fearless life in the Spirit.
    “I absolutely enjoyed the book from cover to cover. Powerful like dynamite!”
    Jesser Gaona, youth pastor of Semilla Cuernavaca, Mexico
  • “In his new book, Kill the Noise, Ryan Ries writes with passion his personal story of the saving Grace of God. Like a modern David, Ryan has a heart after God. His heart burns with a fire that reminds me of the early Church. God is pouring out His Spirit in these last days just as He promised through the prophet Joel ‘for such a time as this.’ And now that fire is spreading everywhere he goes. Get ready to be set ablaze!”
    Ray Bentley, author, and pastor of Maranatha Chapel
  • “I’ve gotten so tired of image-focused and ‘brand-managed’ Christian personalities that I won’t read or recommend 99 percent of what’s out there. Why? Because it’s often disingenuous and not really written to help reach lost people or struggling people with major challenges. But Ryan Ries’s new book, Kill the Noise, made it into that 1 percent list! This book is raw, real, and riveting, and will help anyone who picks it up. It’s much needed at this time in history in a way that inspires me to tell everyone about it!”
    Victor Marx, founder and president, All Things Possible Ministries and the Victor Marx Group
  • “Ryan has had a crazy and amazing life that continues to call him to Jesus. I have always admired how he tells his story in real language easily understood by anyone, especially those stumbling through life looking for purpose and meaning. His story is raw, explicit, and dark—but he keeps the Word of God that saved him woven through-out. I am so thankful for Ryan’s honest and compelling voice in our culture, pulling no punches with those who hunger for truth.”
    JW Clarke, Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and Birdhouse Group, Inc.
  • “In Kill the Noise, Ryan Ries transparently details his epic life journey while dishing out constant nuggets of spiritual truth. His story gets your attention, but the spiritual truth penetrates deep into the heart. This book amplifies the impact Ryan already makes throughThe Whosoevers, and can reach those in need of direction.”
    John Humphrey, vice president of I Am Second
  • “When I began to read this book, I thought that it would really help those caught up in drugs, alcohol, and meaningless sex. Halfway through, I thought this will help people who want to find out if God and Christianity are real. Having finished reading, I think this is a book for everyone who wants to live a sold-out life for Christ, whether you are eighteen or eighty-five. It’s not too late to be who God has called you to be.”
    Sheila Walsh, bestselling author, and co-host of Life Today
  • “Ryan Ries and his new book, Kill the Noise, are the real deal. I spent a week reading his book and each day, each chapter, and each page spoke so deeply into my life. It was convicting, truth-filled, and raw. I am looking forward to giving this book to people in my world who I know are struggling with in their walk with Christ, and also to nonbelievers in the modeling industry that I’m a part of. This book is for this generation, it’s for the church, it’s for the wayward Christian, and it’s for those who want to live the life Jesus lived. It’s truly a bridge from the messiness of this world to the foot of the cross, for people to find salvation and true transformation. I truly believe that Kill the Noise is going to bring a raw voice and raw truth to hearts around the world.”
    Christina Boudreau, TED Talk speaker, plus-size model, and author
  • “Over the years, I watched my son Ryan pursue a life of emotional, physical, and spiritual destruction. In his book, Kill the Noise, you will be blown away, as I have been, to see how the Holy Spirit intercepted him and took control of his life. The Lord has truly anointed Ryan to preach the Gospel. Through his witness, thousands of teens and adults have turned from a life of ruin and received the redemption that is found in Jesus Christ. Be amazed!”
    Dr. Raul Ries, pastor of Calvary Chapel Golden Springs in Diamond Bar, California, evangelist, radio host, and author
  • Kill the Noise—after a moment of a silent encounter with God, Ryan’s wretched life was renewed. Empowered by the Holy Spirit, he has taken up the baton of the Gospel message and now uniquely proclaims it to the masses. Delve into his book to become a witness of his miraculous deliverance from sin. Be astonished at God’s work through him to bring salvation to those who, like him, were lost.”
    Sharon Faith Ries, Women’s Bible teacher at Calvary Chapel Golden Springs in Diamond Bar, California, missionary, and author
  • “As a DJ for a large Christian radio network, I found Ryan’s approach to reaching the culture with the Bible absolutely intriguing! I am someone who does not read books often, yet I found this book so captivating that I couldn’t put it down! His voice of reason using  Scripture is difficult to find today in the Christian scene. Kill the Noise is essential for any Christian who wants to be fired up!”
    AJ Kestler, director and DJ, Effect Radio Network
  • “Ryan Ries’s new book, Kill the Noise, is gripping and Spirit-filled! It’s solid biblically, yet easy to understand for anyone. I respect how Ries wasn’t concerned about touching on subjects that are considered taboo by many of today’s churches. From his testimony to discipleship, this book was thought-provoking, and left me encouraged and wanting more!”
    Mike Kestler, founder and radio host of To Every Man an Answer, CSN International
  • “When the Amalakites attacked Israel in the wilderness, God instructed Moses to go to the top of a mountain and raise the staff of God. As long as the staff was held in the air God would help the Israelites take ground, but when the staff was lowered the Israelites lost ground. One of the lessons I believe God is trying to teach us through this story is the importance of partnership with Him; He will always do his part, so we have to do ours. I must admit, as a Christian businessman, trusting that God will do his part is sometimes a struggle for me. In Ryan’s amazing book he beautifully displays the importance of A-type personalities like me doing our part, then resting in the fact that He will do His. If you’re struggling with partnering with God in any aspect of your life, I want to encourage you to not only read this book but apply the lessons too!”
    Remi Adeleke, bestselling author, former Navy SEAL, filmmaker, consultant, and author of Transformed
  • “No one is beyond Christ’s redemption! Thank you, Ryan, for sharing your story of transformation from the inside out by the indwelling power of the Holy Spirit. Hope will spring forth, and be within reach, for all the Whosoevers, as they read your story. May God continue to use you to inspire and reach your generation with the gospel of Jesus Christ.”
    Ron Brown, executive director of Teen Challenge Southern California
  • “Kill The Noise will absolutely relate to anyone who reads it, whether young or old, Christian or not. Ryan will make you both laugh and cry, encouraging you and also challenging you. I don’t know of any other voice to society like Ryan’s. He’s as raw and real as it gets, telling his story and explaining the truths of Christianity in a bold and realistic light, with a refreshing down-to-earth style that brings back the power of the legit and epic Gospel of Jesus at work today, just like we see in the book of Acts. It was written and published during the Coronavirus pandemic, and I believe God will use this book to bring prophetic purification to the church at exactly the time we need it. America needs Christians who keep it real, are full of zeal, and aren’t posers. I will be buying copies for my whole youth group.”
    Jairus Hodges, founder and pastor of ZEAL Student Ministries
  • "It’s powerful and real!!! This book reveals that you can’t go too far for Jesus Christ to rescue you from wherever you are in life and radically change you by the love of God through the gospel and The Holy Spirit to be used for His glory!"
    Christian Hosoi, Skateboarding Legend
  • "Ryan's new book Kill The Noise tells his remarkable personal story. It's one I can relate to because it's full of God's grace. It will remind you that God has a plan for you and no matter what you've done or been through He can forgive and use it for His glory!"
    Lynsi Snyder, Owner and President of In-N-Out Burger

On Sale
May 11, 2021
Page Count
224 pages
Worthy Books

Ryan Ries

Ryan Ries

About the Author

Ryan Ries is cofounder of The Whosoevers movement, a nonprofit organization that empowers students at public schools, colleges, and universities around the world to make positive choices no matter their circumstances. Ryan teaches Bible studies at Calvary Chapel Golden Spring, and speaks to thousands of teens and adults at music festivals, concerts, skate parks, churches, juvenile detention centers, and rehabs each year. He produces films, organizes music festivals, and hosts a Saturday night radio talk show, The Ryan Ries Show. Ryan continues to work personally with musicians and action sports athletes. Ryan is married to Crystal, and they have triplet daughters and one son. They live in Southern California. 

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